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3.1. Regulations
Pursuant to:
1. The Law No. 105/2016/QH13 on pharmacy
2. The Decree No. 75/2017/NĐ-CP
3. The Circular No.: 10/2020/TT-BYT

Bioequivalence study must be applied to drugs listed in 12 active ingredients prioritized to bioequivalence test and those in the list of drugs used in the National Program, drugs with narrow treatment range and drugs with bioavailability problems.

3.2. Difficulties faced by you

- Bioequivalence tests are obligatorily required but out of your experience
- You do not know where to start.

3.3. Our solutions

If ThienThao is trusted as your advisor, you shall be facilitated to quickly and effectively deploy and implement the above regulations.

* Procedure

Do not hesitate to contact us for the best advice and services on regulations and procedures.
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